Here we investigated the degree to which intensification could help Brazil produce more soybean without further encroachment on the Amazon forest.

The objective of this study was twofold: (i) to propose optimization in maturity group classification using adjusted 3rd degree polynomial equations have been fundamental to understanding the developmental cycle of soybean in relation to sowing date. in the maturity group classification system taking into account the sowing date to achieve yield potential and (ii) to develop a framework for indicating soybean cultivars based on the optimal agronomic cycle for Southern Brazil.

The objectives in this study were: (i) to quantify the genetic effects on seed protein concentration and (ii) to identify the biophysical and management factors affecting seed protein concentration in soybean production systems in Brazil. We collected soybean samples and crop management data through surveys in 194 soybean farms in two growing seasons (2018/2019; 2022/2023) across eleven states in Brazil.

The objective was to conduct a survey of root distribution and soil-related factors that constrain root growth along the soil profile of soybean fields in RS.

The objectives of this study were to determine the yield potential and yield gap in flooded rice fields and to identify key factors associated with high-yield (HY) and low-yield (LY) fields in Argentina.

The objectives of this study were (i) to identify alterations in growth dynamics and physiological traits in soybean resulting from the introduction of the TF AtAREB1 into the original 1Ea2939 event and into an improved genotype containing the TF AtAREB1 (derived from the cross between 1Ea2939 and the elite cultivar BMX Desafo RR), (ii) to elucidate the ecophysiological characteristics that lead to drought tolerance in soybean genotypes with the TF AtAREB1 compared to commercial cultivars using the fraction of transpirable soil water (FTSW) approach, and (iii) to evaluate the feld performance of AtAREB1 genotypes relative to their parental lines.

Here we assess yield gap and resource-use efficiency (including water, pesticides, nitrogen, labor, energy, and associated global warming potential) across 32 rice cropping systems covering half of global rice harvested area.

The objective of this study was to decompose the soybean yield gap into its constituents and to quantify the influence of the main factors limiting soybean yield in Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil, through the analysis of data from 853 soybean field reported by farmers and the use of the CROPGRO soybean simulation model to estimate yield potentials.

This study aimed to evaluate the effect of N-fertilization on soybean seed yield, protein and oil concentrations in tropical and subtropical environments in Brazil, thus contributing to agricultural intensification procedures and food security studies.

The objective of this study was to determine the influence of irrigation, sowing date and maturity group on the yield components and the yield of soybeans cultivated in the lowlands.

The objective of this work was to evaluate the tolerance of soybean cultivars to flooding stress at different growth stages.

The objective was to study the adaptability and stability of soybean cultivars in the lowland production system of subtropical environment.

The objectives of this study were (a) to validate the ability of SimulArroz and ORYZA v3 models to simulate the rice development and production in Argentina, (b) to estimate the Yp of rice for different sowing dates in Argentina, and (c) to estimate how much Argentina can increase rice production in the current agricultural area.

The objective of this study was to evaluate the impact of introducing soybean into the traditional lowland continuous rice system in southern Brazil in terms of on-farm economic and yield performance.

The objectives were (a) to estimate the Yp, Yw, and yield gaps (YGs) of soybean in subtropical Brazil and (b) to identify the biophysical and management factors which potentially explain the YG.

The objective was to determine yield potential (Yp) and Yg in flooded rice and identify key factors associated with high yield (HY) and low yield (LY) farms across the rice production regions in RS, Brazil.

The objective of this work was to evaluate a flooded-rice yield forecasting method for the state of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil, using the SimulArroz model.

Growth and transpiration of soybean genotypes with HaHB4® transcription factor for drought tolerance
The objective of this study was to determine the level of drought tolerance of soybean genotypes with the HaHB4® TF and commercial cultivars subjected to water deficit during the vegetative phase using the FTSW approach.

The objective of this study was to identify the optimum leaf area index for attaining yield potential in modern soybean cultivars grown in a subtropical environment.

The objective of this work was to determine the agronomic optimal plant density for corn in environments with a high, medium, and low grain yield, as well as to define which yield component is the most sensitive to variations in plant density.

The objective of this study was to identify key biophysical and management factors governing variations in soybean Yp and Yw.